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Books that have
Changed Man’s Thinking

How the written word has influenced and shaped our lives.

This is a collection of some of the most significant and powerful books ever written.

Conscious of the suffering that man inflicts upon man, many brave writers have spoken out against the State and exposed the evils of the time. Others, Freud and Darwin, challenged the accepted codes and beliefs of the day. Under the title ‘Books That Have Changed Man’s Thinking’, we have assembled many of the world’s most profound literary works. Important books that the thinking person cannot ignore. Books that will increase your understanding of the past, its effect on the present and which spotlight the dangers for the future.

But some of the titles are surprising. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’, for example not only a phenomenally successful novel but the book that fanned into a roaring blaze the revulsion of the time against slavery.

A truly superb bound collection in tan and holly green – volumes so handsome that a New York Times Editor said of one of them “. . . easily the most impressive book that I’ve ever had in my house.”


The Voyage Of The Beagle by Charles Darwin FREE with The Trial by Franz Kafka at the subscriber’s price plus p&p.


The Red And The Black

The Life Of Dr. Johnson

Man’s Estate

The Life Of

The Age Of Reason

Benevenuto Cellini

Oliver Twist

Candide And Other

Introductory Lectures


On Psycho-Analysis

Plays (Chekhov)

Darkness At Noon

The Gallic Wars

Paradise Lost

The Iliad


Brave New World

Moby Dick

Don Quixote

Jack London Stories

20,000 Leagues Under


The Sea

Decline And Fall Of

Tales Of Mystery And

The Roman Empire


The Divine Comedy

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Rights Of Man




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