The Musuem
Floor Plan

The Dennis Wheatley 'Museum' - Champions of Reincarnation: Dennis Wheatley & Joan Grant

The other members of DW's family were also enthusiasts

The Beattys' copy of Bill Younger's 'The Dreaming Falcons' (c1944)
The Beattys' copy of Bill Younger's 'The Dreaming Falcons' (c1944)

The Beattys' copy of
Bill Younger's
'The Dreaming Falcons' (c1944)

Click on the images to enlarge

The Beattys' copy of Bill Younger's 'The Dreaming Falcons' (c1944)
The Beattys' copy of Bill Younger's 'The Dreaming Falcons' (c1944)
The Beattys' copy of Bill Younger's 'The Dreaming Falcons' (c1944)

The Beattys' copy of
Bill Younger's
'The Singing Vision' (c1946)

Click on the images to enlarge

Colin Pelham-Burn's dedication copy of 'Redskin Morning' (1944)
Colin Pelham-Burn's dedication copy of 'Redskin Morning' (1944)

Colin Pelham-Burn's
dedication copy of
'Redskin Morning' (1944)

Click on the images to enlarge

It was not only Dennis and Joan Wheatley who were close to the Beattys.

Dennis Wheatley's eldest stepson 'Bill' Younger had an interesting range of talents. While he worked for MI5, he was also a published poet and a published novelist - the latter under the nom de plume of 'William Mole'.

He inscribed their copy of his book of poems 'The Dreaming Falcons' (the name of which may well have been inspired by 'Eyes of Horus') with a very warm hand-written inscription and prefaced the fifth poem in the anthology with a line from 'Life As Carola'. The Beattys were the printed dedicatees of his next book of poems 'The Singing Vision', and he wrote another charming hand-written message in their copy.

Bill was not however by any means the only member of the younger generation of the Wheatley family to be close to the Beattys. Jack apart, Colin Pelham-Burn, DW's youngest stepson, was also close to the Beattys.

Colin received a very nice inscribed copy of 'The Scarlet Fish as his Christmas present when it came out in 1942 (others may have too; but only his has come on the market). It was inscribed :

For Colin,
who has never
blown a scornful
bubble, but who
has always shared
the adventures beyond
the grating, and for whom
the Trelydan scarlet
fishes have the
deepest and most enduring

Two years later Colin was the printed dedicatee of Joan Grant's 'Far Memory' childrens' book 'Redskin Morning', which contains the stories she was told when she was a native American.

Joan Grant inscribed Colin's dedication copy :

'FOR COLIN and also Amenii with long affection from Joan'.

In 'Eyes of Horus'/ 'Lord of the Horizon', Ameni (spelt with one 'i') is Ra-ab's (i.e. Joan Grant's) eldest son, so this would make Colin Joan Wheatley's son in this incarnation but also Joan Grant's son in a previous incarnation.

Complicated !

Provenance: Private collections