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The Dennis Wheatley 'Museum' - Researching the OccultFurther research / 1 : Grillot de Givry
While a number of books in DW's Library bore annotations that they had been used as background for his Black Magic books, few mention his individual books by name. One which does, and where the annotation explicitly mentions 'The Devil Rides Out', is Grillot de Givry's 'Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy', which was translated into English in 1931. The book is a comprehensive study of Medieval beliefs concerning sorcerers, magicians and alchemists, and Phil Baker has identified that the magical wording in the book's reproduction of a Rembrandt etching of Dr Faustus as the basis of the wording the Duke chalks round the Pentacle he builds in 'Strange Conflict' (Chapter IV). Curiously, the Duke uses different wording in Chapter XXV of 'The Devil Rides Out'. References : Phil Baker pp 331,407,536.
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