The Musuem
Floor Plan

The Dennis Wheatley 'Museum' - Champions of Reincarnation: Dennis Wheatley & Joan Grant

DW cautions his step-daughter Diana about her conduct, and uses 'Winged Pharaoh' as one of his 'weapons'

DW's 'rocket letter' to Diana
Charles Beatty

DW's 'rocket letter' to Diana

For a transliteration of the entire letter, click here

Click on the images to enlarge

DW and his family believed in Joan's revelations to such an extent that when his beloved stepdaughter Diana went a bit 'off the rails' in the autumn of 1939 - unusually for him - DW wrote her a letter ticking her off, and on the second page he cautioned:

" ...Then there is the greater future. You believe in Winged Pharaoh. This time you have been given many blessings and, whatever you may think, a very easy path. Quite apart from your beauty you are born with the advantages of a well-bred girl in the most civilised city in the world. You have been given a good education. Beyond all you have been given a splendid talent and a family that loves you and does every mortal thing to protect you from all harm.
    If you continue Selfish, Lazy, Loose in your mind and entirely self centred you will be throwing it all away.
   You won't get such a good deal next time you'll have it much harder ... and others will practice their selfishness on you."

He concluded though in typical DW fashion:

"We should hate you to be a dreary little Puritan and we don't expect you to be an Angel in human guise."

References : Phil Baker pp 374-5. The name 'rocket letter' was coined for this and another
similar but longer letter by Phil Baker, and the name seems apt.

Provenance: Private Collection (ex Sayer Collection)