The Musuem
Floor Plan

The Dennis Wheatley 'Museum' - Champions of Reincarnation: Dennis Wheatley & Joan Grant

Joan Grant acts as a consultant for 'Strange Conflict'

Strange Conflict' and its printed dedication
Strange Conflict' and its printed dedication

'Strange Conflict' and its printed dedication*

Click on the images to enlarge

The key letters from Dennis and Joan's correspondence
The key letters from Dennis and Joan's correspondence
The key letters from Dennis and Joan's correspondence
The key letters from Dennis and Joan's correspondence

The key letters from Dennis and Joan's correspondence

Click on the images to enlarge

Original and final versions: whether this particular
amendment was at Joan's suggestion or at DW's own
volition, DW changes (and makes easier) how the
Duke de Richleau navigates while on the Astral Plane

To see the changes (in the penultimate paragraph of both versions), Click here

Click on the images to enlarge

The professional and spiritual closeness of Joan Grant and Dennis Wheatley is revealed in their correspondence of the time, much of which was preserved by DW in his usual methodical way, filed all together, with letters from Joan and the carbons of his own letters of reply interleaved chronologically.

In the top letter, written by DW to Joan on 25th January 1941, DW explains the substance of his next book, and sending her the first half of the manuscript, says that he would 'like to keep the Occult stuff in line with the real thing as far as possible', and asks her or Charles if they would vet the manuscript.

Joan must have been a quick reader. She replied on 29th January returning the manuscript and making various suggestions.

She ended her letter 'With much love to you both, and with thanks for the honour you have done us both in asking for our criticism of your m.s.'.

Later on, DW sent Joan and Charles an inscribed copy of the book. They must have been delighted to discover they were the printed dedicatees of the book. Not surprisingly DW received a very charming letter of thanks in return.*

*I have never seen the Beattys' copy. If anyone knows where it is, I would be very grateful if they would let me know.

References : Most of this is revealed for the first time here.
On Strange Conflict more generally, see Phil Baker p 407.

Provenance: Private collections (page from early draft of 'Strange Conflict' ex Humphreys collection)