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06 December 2011 Following our traditional Christmas motif, if you click on the link to the right or on the icon on the left hand side of the page, you can see a selection of Christmas cards sent out by DW. You can also see a selection of cards sent to DW by his friends. Dennis Wheatley’s Christmas
cards through the decades
No new examples of cards sent out by DW have turned up in the last year, but we have several interesting cards sent to DW.

First of all we have a card from DW’s time as a Lieutenant serving in Ipswich in the early days of World War I. A rare survival.
In addition we have three cards from persons connected with DW’s work on ‘Deception Planning’ in World War II; we have a card sent to DW by Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir William F Dickson, a card from DW’s commanding officer and stockbroker Johnny Bevan, and a card from his colleague on the London Controlling Section Sir Ronald Wingate.

As tradition demands, the icon on the left will disappear on Twelfth Night.
I wish a very happy Christmas and New Year to all the site’s visitors and to all friends of its cause.

18 November 2011 This month’s update is the report on the 2011 Convention.
Many thanks to Steve Patton for another first class report, and to all those who participated for their company and contributions - I trust all had a good time ! The 2011 Dennis Wheatley Convention
The next Convention is due to be held on Saturday 3rd November 2012 . Please visit the Library for more details.
10 October 2011 This month sees a few miscellaneous updates.
First, many thanks to Matthew Coniam for pointing out that the September issue of SFX Magazine contained an article ‘The Devil’s Work’, which pays homage to the life and times of DW. Other Publications : Critiques / Books and articles about DW
Second, many thanks to Ken and Mary Gallacher for sending me a copy of a brief interview DW gave Anglia News in1972 about a talk he had given Anglican Clergy on subject of Devil Worship. Other Publications : Broadcasts
Other updates to the ‘Broadcasts’ section will follow in due course.
Finally, it turns out that the green 1930s paperback edition of ‘Such Power Is Dangerous’ had a dust wrapper, an illustration of which has been added to the Hutchinson’s paperbacks page. Hutchinson’s Paperbacks
19 September 2011 This month sees the opening of Room Six of the Museum – which covers DW’s early days as an author … from his earliest writings through to the launching of The Forbidden Territory and his early novels up to just before he started writing The Devil Rides Out.

Once again, thanks to various contributors it contains a number of exhibits that have never before been seen in public. I very much hope you will enjoy them.

As before, I would like to express my gratitude to the Wheatley family for their encouragement, and I would also like to express my thanks to the staff at who have brought to fruition so admirably the Room I had in mind.
The Museum, Room Six : Instant success as an author …
12 August 2011 This month’s update is the report on our Lymington Field Trip. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did, and I’m most grateful as always to Steve Patton for writing the review, which also contains the latest episode in his search for Cardinal’s Folly. The Lymington Field Trip 2011
11 July 2011 While I will be opening further Rooms in The Museum in due course, as interesting new material becomes available, I will be revisiting existing Rooms.
This month I have added references to Room One, and I have also added two new exhibits. One concerns Skelsmergh, DW’s Prep School, where he apparently saw a ghost. The Museum Room One / Skelsmergh
The other concerns Rooms Two, where I have added as a new feature DW’s Mess Bill, from when he was stationed in Heytesbury in 1916. The Museum Room Two / Salisbury Plain
15 June 2011 This month we have additions old and new.
The old material is two wonderful wartime Swedish magazines with serialisations of DW novels. The first, Lektyr, from July 1942 features a serialisation of Faked Passports, while the second, Levande Livet, from the same era, features a serialisation of Sixty Days to Live. These come thanks to the generosity of Iwan Morelius.
Wheatley around the World : Sweden
The new is a new omnibus edition of three of DW’s Black Magic Novels, ‘Classic Black Magic from Dennis Wheatley’ (originally due to be published as ‘The Best of Dennis Wheatley’), which has a foreword by DW’s grandson Dominic Wheatley, and which contains ‘The Devil Rides Out’, ‘To the Devil a Daughter’ and ‘Gateway to Hell’.
Elsewhere, Steve Whatley has noticed that there was an erroneous link from the solution to Room 7 of the 1938 Daily Mail Ideal Home Mystery Rooms. This has been corrected.

The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition ‘Mystery Rooms’
16 May 2011 This month sees the opening of Room Five of the Museum – which is devoted to DW the Wine Merchant.

Thanks to various contributors it contains a number of exhibits that have never before been seen by a wide audience, and I hope you will enjoy it.

As always, my thanks to the Wheatley family for their support of my Museum project, and of the site in general. My thanks also to the labours of the individuals at who have brought to life so admirably the plans that up to now have only been in my mind.
The Museum, Room Five : DW the Wine Merchant
Where appropriate, the Bibliography of all things Wheatley and the site’s section on Wine Publications have also been updated to reflect the new material.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of any additional DW wine related material (I know there is some !), I would be most grateful if they would let me know.

Bibliography of all things Wheatley

Wine Publications
18 April 2011 This month sees some further reprint jackets added to the website. These include a 67th Thousand of ‘The Forbidden Territory’, a 12th Thousand of ‘Such Power Is Dangerous’ with a hitherto unknown jacket design, a 46th Thousand of ‘The Fabulous Valley’, (this thanks to Steve Whatley) and the previously unrecorded 1961 reprint of ‘To The Devil A Daughter’.

The month also sees Richard Humphreys complete his illustrations of jackets of the Hutchinson’s Omnibus editions with the addition of the jacket for ‘A century of Girl Stories’, and the addition of a recent issue of the U.S. magazine ‘Orphee’ which is published by Nick Louras of ‘Penny Blood’ fame. This has an article about DW and the Occult and another article on Sir Christopher Lee and ‘The Devil Rides Out’. This latter item was very generously sent to me by Paul Barnes. I am most grateful.

First editions 1933 - 1934

First editions 1952 - 1955

Hutchinson’s Omnibus editions

Other Publications / Critiques / Books & Articles about Dennis Wheatley
15 April 2011 This month sees some further reprint jackets added to the website. These include a 67th Thousand of ‘The Forbidden Territory’, a 12th Thousand of ‘Such Power Is Dangerous’ with a hitherto unknown jacket design, a 46th Thousand of ‘The Fabulous Valley’, (this thanks to Steve Whatley) and the previously unrecorded 1961 reprint of ‘To The Devil A Daughter’.

The month also sees Richard Humphreys complete his illustrations of jackets of the Hutchinson’s Omnibus editions with the addition of the jacket for ‘A century of Girl Stories’, and the addition of a recent issue of the U.S. magazine ‘Orphee’ which is published by Nick Louras of ‘Penny Blood’ fame. This has an article about DW and the Occult and another article on Sir Christopher Lee and ‘The Devil Rides Out’. This latter item was very generously sent to me by Paul Barnes. I am most grateful.

First editions 1933 - 1934

First editions 1952 - 1955

Hutchinson’s Omnibus editions

Other Publications / Critiques / Books & Articles about Dennis Wheatley
14 April 2011 Looking at last month’s ‘Mystery Rooms’ update, Jamie Sturgeon has noticed that the link attached to the solution to Room 3 was incorrect. It was now been corrected. Many thanks, Jamie !

The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition 'Mystery Rooms'
24 March 2011 While we knew it existed some seventy years ago, Steve Whatley and I have spent a number of years searching for a rather elusive piece of DW ephemera – the broadsheet which accompanied a competition DW created for the 1938 Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition, which bore the title of 'Eight Mystery Rooms'.

As Steve discussed at the 2010 Convention, for this Exhibition DW created rooms that he imagined might belong to eight real but un-named celebrities, and the public had to view the rooms and try to guess which celebrity he had in mind for each room.

I would like to say a very sincere thank you to the renowned bookman and founder of Ferret Fantasy George Locke, who located for me the copy of the competition broadsheet that went on display at the Convention and which Steve so ably discussed, and to thank him for the many pleasurable conversations I have had with him about DW and other nineteenth and twentieth century authors.

Once you have studied the photographs in the broadsheet and made your own guesses, if you want to see the correct answers, highlight the spaces following the room numbers at the bottom of the new page with your cursor and all will be revealed !

The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition 'Mystery Rooms'
8 February 2011 This month sees some updates to the foreign editions section; a Spanish magazine from 1944 containing an illustrated version of 'The Snake', a French magazine serialisation of 'Bill for the use of a Body', and two Danish editions, one hardback and one softback, of 'The Forbidden Territory'.

My thanks go to Steve Whatley for details of the French and Danish editions, and for his generosity in presenting me with one of his copies of the Danish edition of the Forbidden Territory. Thank you, Steve !

I’ve also updated the 'Bibliography of all things Wheatley' section to include the 'The Haunted Airman'. It may not have been very faithful to the novel, but Jim Devlin has quite rightly observed it should be included. In due course I will also add it to the main 'Films' section.

Wheatley around the World : Spain
Wheatley around the World : France
Wheatley around the World : Denmark

Bibliography of all things Wheatley/ Films


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