(worldmap image)
Arabic Italy
Argentina Japan
Australia Mexico
Bangladesh Norway
Belgium Poland
Brazil Portugal
Canada Rumania
Chile Russia
Czechoslovakia Singapore
Denmark Slovenia
Estonia Spain
Finland Sweden
France Thailand
Germany Turkey
Holland U.S.A.

The goal for these pages is to show a picture of a book cover from every country and in every language that Dennis Wheatley was published in.

However, until that day, here is a sample of the few I have managed to obtain.
If you have pictures and details that I can include, please (link to e-mail)


Countries yet to come

Greece Switzerland Yugoslavia  

Languages yet to come

Armenian Flemish Greek Hindi Maltese Serbian



top RUMANIA top
(cover image)
Editura Istal S.A.R.
Further details unknown

Please, PLEASE (link to e-mail) me with more pictures and details

(worldmap image)
Arabic Italy
Argentina Japan
Australia Mexico
Bangladesh Norway
Belgium Poland
Brazil Portugal
Canada Rumania
Chile Russia
Czechoslovakia Singapore
Denmark Slovenia
Estonia Spain
Finland Sweden
France Thailand
Germany Turkey
Holland U.S.A.

This page last updated       Copyright © 2002-2006 Bob Rothwell. 2007-2024 Charles Beck.