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( Tuesday, 25 February, 2025 )

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Date Amendment / addition Link to new / amended area
3rd December 2012 Following our traditional Christmas motif, if you click on the link to the right or on the icon on the left hand side of the page, you can see a selection of Christmas cards sent out by DW. You can also see a selection of cards sent to DW by his friends.

One new card sent out by DW has turned up in the last year; from 1949, and with the benefit of hindsight it’s rather sad. In it, DW proudly shows the difference in appearance of the terrace at Grove Place between 1945 and 1949. How disappointed he would have been if he could have known that his lovely Georgian home would be demolished in a little over twenty years time.

In the ‘cards to DW’ section, I’ve added three cards sent to DW by his friend Lord Donegall; from 1958, 1959 and 1972. Among his other attributes, Lord Donegall was the head of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London – hence the Sherlockian theme.

As tradition demands, the icon on the left will disappear on Twelfth Night.

I wish a very happy Christmas and New Year to all the site’s visitors and to all friends of its cause.

Dennis Wheatley's Christmas cards through the decades
1st November 2012 This month’s update is a report on the Summer Field Trip to Salisbury Plain, which aimed to visit all the sites that featured in the car chase in 'The Devil Rides Out', plus a number of places where DW was billeted in World War One. Conventions and Field Trips
The 2012 Field Trip to Salisbury Plain
1st October 2012 This month has a film theme. I've finally added 'The Haunted Airman' to the section on Films and Screenplays, and Steve Whatley's copy of Film Complet which he displayed at the 2011 Convention. I’ve also added a series of French film posters. I’ll add more foreign film posters in coming months – if anyone has any examples in their attics, please let me know! Films and Screenplays
Wheatley around the World: France
In books, I’ve added a 1946 reprint of ‘The Devil Rides Out’. This is interesting for a couple of reasons; firstly because it is another example of Hutchinson apparently getting their ‘Thousands’ wrong - it’s a ‘29th Thousand’ but post-dates the 49th Thousand by about six years. Secondly, because it shows that Diana Younger’s horse motif continued to be used as the jacket illustration until at least that date. First editions 1933-1934
6th September 2012 I've added to the 'Books & Articles About DW' section the details of a full page article about DW's activities in World War II that appeared in the Daily Express on August 28th, prompted by the release of Tina Rosenberg's new book. Other Publications:
Critiques/Books and Articles About DW
In the reprints sections, a new 1950 hardback edition of Sixty Days to Live has come to light with a much plainer dust jacket. First editions 1938-1939

Last but not least, my thanks go to Peter Tucker, who has kindly alerted me to another Book Club edition – a 1979 reprint of The Satanist, which uses an earlier Arrow paperback illustration for its cover.

Book Club editions
14th August 2012

This month we can celebrate two new books with themes relating to Dennis Wheatley.

First is Pulitzer prize winning author Tina Rosenberg’s e-book D for Deception. This explores DW’s unique role in Deception Planning in World War II and is replete with electronic links, including links to this site’s virtual museum, to which she very kindly gives a special credit.

A valuable addition to the growing corpus of books about DW as a person, let’s wish her every success with this new venture.

Let’s also wish every success to Paul Adams, whose latest book, Ghosts & Gallows has just been published. Chapter 4 is an account of the Welcomes Murder.

Latest Book News

These books have also been included in the ‘Books about Dennis Wheatley’ section, together with details of a 1973 edition of Iwan Morelius’s Fyra Deccenium, which has not previously been recorded on the site. As many of you will know, Iwan died in June. He was a friend of DW’s (‘The Ravishing of Lady Mary Ware’ was dedicated to him), and a hugely popular figure at our DW Conventions. He will be sorely missed and our sympathies go to his family.

Other Publications:
Critiques/Books and Articles About DW
16th July 2012 First of all, I would like to offer a huge ‘thank you’ to Dominic Wheatley and the Wheatley family.

Dominic noticed that on the ‘Broadcasts’ page, I have had to remove the majority of the links to his grandfather’s broadcasts because the destination pages no longer exist; and in order to compensate for this gap, he is very kindly permitting me to make available on the website DW’s ‘Living Portrait’.

Filmed in 1967 and originally intended for a very restricted audience, as those who saw it at recent Conventions will I am sure agree, this is the pre-eminent DW interview, with DW talking about his life and achievements, and showing the audience around his now demolished home, Grove Place.

I really am enormously grateful to Dominic and his family for making the film available to a wider audience.

Broadcasts: Living Portrait
  In the world of books, Steve Whatley having identified our first two Polish editions last month, he has completed his hat-trick by locating the 1937 Polish edition of Black August, from which we learn that all the Polish editions originally had dustjackets.

Finally, in the world of new books, I am delighted to advise that a new e-book on DW’s wartime achievements is expected to be published shortly. By Pulitzer prize winning author Tina Rosenberg, it will be called ‘Double Deception’. I hope to give you further details shortly.

Wheatley around the World : Poland
1st June 2012 The ever vigilant Steve Whatley has tracked down some more foreign editions.

First of all, he has discovered the website’s first Polish editions; of Contraband and The Eunuch of Stamboul (both from 1937), with proof of another title yet to be tracked down, Black August.

He has also found a variant cover for Le Glaive du Destin, the Belgian version of The Sword of Fate.
Wheatley around the World :

Wheatley around the World :
8th May 2012 This update sees the addition of two new exhibits to Room One of the site’s Museum.
The first, which comes courtesy of retired solicitor Brian Howell, is a rather wonderful indenture granting ‘Ready Money’ Wheatley (DW’s grandfather) the lease of a property just off Grosvenor Square in 1902. The Museum, Room One : The Early Years - New Exhibit one
The second is a further item from the collection of Hilda Gardner’s papers held at Leeds University Library, and is the contemporary account DW wrote to her about absconding from H M S Worcester during his final term to visit a friend who lay ill in hospital. It was one of the more improbable stories DW told in his memoirs, and this letter proves his account to have been absolutely true. New Exhibit two
17th April 2012 This month’s updates come courtesy of two of my regular correspondents. Paul Barnes kindly sent me a copy of The Independent on Sunday for 4th March, where Christopher Fowler’s ‘Invisible Ink’ column was devoted to Dennis Wheatley Other Publications : Critiques /Books and articles about DW
Another regular correspondent, Steve Whatley, has shared with me his research into DW’s Broadcasts, as a result of which I have been able significantly to expand that section. Dennis Wheatley’s Broadcasts
Thank you both – your emails and contributions to the site are very much appreciated !
14 February 2012 My thanks to John Eggeling for a photograph of DW’s superb collection of Hope Hodgson first editions, which now heads the display in the section dealing with DW’s debt to the Carnacki stories. Probably bought by DW in the 1950s, they are now worth a very considerable sum. The Museum, Room Seven : Researching the Occult - 'The Devil Rides Out'
Elsewhere, in the Crime Dossiers section, I have added a photograph of a Commodore 64 game of Murder off Miami produced in 1986. How technology has moved on since then ! The Crime Dossiers
25 January 2012 This month sees the opening of Room Seven of the Museum - which covers DW's research into the occult and writing his most famous novel, 'The Devil Rides Out' as well as his following work up to the outbreak of World War II.

Once again, the Room contains large number of exhibits that have never before been seen in public, although I did give attendees of the last Convention a preview of a small number of the items.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to the Wheatley family for their encouragement, and I would also like to express my thanks to the staff at for their technical expertise in displaying the Room.

Elsewhere, I was asked last month by The British Library if I would allow them to archive the site as part of their web archiving programme, so – should anything happen to the site - it would be preserved for the future. Naturally, I was pleased to accept.
The Museum, Room Seven : Researching the Occult - 'The Devil Rides Out'


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